I’m behind most of the stuff behind 40Hz.org. Currently, this site serves as a repository for my current and past open source projects and to promote techniques for platform independent information exchange such as XML.
You can reach me via email here.
since 2024: Software Architect, Product Division Solultions, Kalmar (Tampere, Finland)
2020 to 2024: Principal Software Engineer, Indoor/Parking/Charging, HERE Technologies (Tampere, Finland)
2019 to 2020: Senior Software Engineer, Neuro Event Labs (Tampere, Finland)
2017 to 2019: Edge Computing Lead, Drone SW, Intel (Tampere, Finland)
2012 to 2017: Systems Engineer, Intel (Tampere, Finland)
2011 to 2012: Principal Engineer, SW Development, Mobile Phones, Nokia (Tampere, Finland)
2009 to 2011: Head of Qt Productization/Release Engineering, Nokia (Tampere, Finland)
2008 to 2009: Head of Technology Operations, S60 Core Systems, Nokia (Tampere, Finland)
2002 to 2007: Senior Engineer / Specialist, Digital Rights Management, S60, Nokia (Tampere, Finland).
2000 to 2002: Software Engineer at IBM Research, Almaden, USA in the Electronic Music Management System (EMMS) project
2001: Ph.D. in Information Systems, University of Essen
1996 to 2000: Research and Teaching Assistant at the Dept. for Information Systems and Software Techniques at the University of Essen, Germany.
1997: Diploma II in Information Systems, University of Essen
1996: Diploma I in Information Systems, University of Essen
1990 to 1996: Freelance programmer
Since currently, no equally capable, versatile and integrated tool exists to replace the Newton platform, a number of Newton open source software projects has been published on 40Hz.org. Among these are time management and XML-related packages.
Hardware development, embedded systems, functional programming languages, personal productivity, …
Guth S., Köppen E.: Electronic Rights Enforcement for Learning Media, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Kazan, 2002
Conen W., Klapsing R., Köppen E.: RDF M & S revisited: From Reification to Nesting, from Containers to Lists, from Dialect to pure XML, Proc. of the Semantic Web Working Symposium, 2001
Conen W., Dridi F., Köppen E.: A secure XML/Java-based Implementation of Auction Services for Complex Resource Allocation Problems, Proc. of WETICE2000, IEEE 9th Intl. Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, 2000.
Köppen E., Neumann G.: Implement, Gustaf! The Kino XML/CSS Processor, 8th World Wide Web Conference, Poster Session, Toronto 1999.
Köppen E., Neumann G.: Virtualization of Course Structures through Adaptive Internet Techniques, Proceedings of 22nd Conf. of the GfKl; Springer, Heidelberg 1999
Köppen E., Neumann G.: A Practical Approach towards Active Hyperlinked Documents, Proceedings of the 7th Int. World Wide Web Conference, Brisbane, Australia 1998. (original submission)
Köppen E., Neumann G., Nusser S.: Cineast - An Extensible Web Browser, Proceedings of the WebNet 1997 World Conference on WWW, Internet and Intranet, Nov. 1-5, Toronto 1997.
Köppen E: Informationssystemanalyse, University of Essen course material, Essen 1996-2000.
Köppen E: Objektorientierter Software-Entwurf, University of Essen course material, Essen 1996-2000.
Köppen E: XML - Zukünfigte Anwendungen und Perspektiven , EUROFORUM: XML für eBusiness, Munich 1999. (German)
Köppen E: The Kino XML/CSS Implemenation, 8th World Wide Web Conference, Developer’s Day, Toronto 1999.