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Eckhart Köppen

I’m behind most of the stuff behind 40Hz.org. Currently, this site serves as a repository for my current and past open source projects and to promote techniques for platform independent information exchange such as XML.

You can reach me via email here.

Short Bio

since 2020: Principal Software Engineer, Indoor/Parking/Charging, HERE Technologies (Tampere, Finland)

2019 to 2020: Senior Software Engineer, Neuro Event Labs (Tampere, Finland)

2017 to 2019: Edge Computing Lead, Drone SW, Intel (Tampere, Finland)

2012 to 2017: Systems Engineer, Intel (Tampere, Finland)

2011 to 2012: Principal Engineer, SW Development, Mobile Phones, Nokia (Tampere, Finland)

2009 to 2011: Head of Qt Productization/Release Engineering, Nokia (Tampere, Finland)

2008 to 2009: Head of Technology Operations, S60 Core Systems, Nokia (Tampere, Finland)

2002 to 2007: Senior Engineer / Specialist, Digital Rights Management, S60, Nokia (Tampere, Finland).

2000 to 2002: Software Engineer at IBM Research, Almaden, USA in the Electronic Music Management System (EMMS) project

2001: Ph.D. in Information Systems, University of Essen

1996 to 2000: Research and Teaching Assistant at the Dept. for Information Systems and Software Techniques at the University of Essen, Germany.

1997: Diploma II in Information Systems, University of Essen

1996: Diploma I in Information Systems, University of Essen

1990 to 1996: Freelance programmer



Main focus on Active Hypertext Documents, implementations include JKino and Kino runtime environments.

Newton MessagePad

Since currently, no equally capable, versatile and integrated tool exists to replace the Newton platform, a number of Newton open source software projects has been published on 40Hz.org. Among these are time management and XML-related packages.


Other areas of interest include the programming languages Eiffel and Lua and the integration tool SWIG.


Lectures, Talks and Presentations

  • Köppen E: Informationssystemanalyse, University of Essen course material, Essen 1996-2000.

  • Köppen E: Objektorientierter Software-Entwurf, University of Essen course material, Essen 1996-2000.

  • Köppen E: XML - Zukünfigte Anwendungen und Perspektiven , EUROFORUM: XML für eBusiness, Munich 1999. (German)

  • Köppen E: The Kino XML/CSS Implemenation, 8th World Wide Web Conference, Developer’s Day, Toronto 1999.