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Apple Newton



  • Blunt: Bluetooth protocol stack
  • Blunt 2: Enhanced Bluetooth protocol stack
  • Nitro: IrCOMM Communications Protocol
  • Neo: OBEX data exchange over IrDA and TCP/IP
  • IC/VC: iCalendar and vCard import/export, package installer
  • RDCL: Desktop connectivity library written in Ruby


  • ntox: Newton version of the tox XML parser
  • The Fish: Encryption utility for the Notes application
  • Soup Mover: Enable better filing for Soup entries
  • Small Extras: Popup menu for the Extras Drawer
  • Minibar: Compact button bar replacement
  • tntk: Replacement for NTK to develop Newton packages on Unix


Other Software

The actual downloads are hosted locally and at SourceForge, which has also the bug and feature request tracker pages.

GTD and the Newton

The Newton was designed to be a personal digital assistant, and as such, it is very suitable for Getting Things Done:


Other Software

Mottek blog

A blog about hacking the Apple Newton, embedded development, and programming in general.