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A button bar replacement for Newton OS 2.1 devices.

  • Version: 1.1
  • Authors: Eckhart Köppen
  • License: LGPL 2.0
  • Download: via SourceForge


Minibar is a button bar replacement. It replaces the button bar with a small area at the bottom of the screen in portrait mode. Other display modes are not supported and it is not recommended to install Minibar in any other mode.

The replacement area contains the undo, overview, up and down buttons on the right hand side. The rest of the area is empty but can be overlayed with a TapBar control strip. Minibar comes with five TapBar buttons: Notes, Names, In/Out Box, Extras and a small battery level viewer button.


  • Version 1.1: Added TapBar button for default store
  • Version 1.0: Initial version