Mottek Archive 2012

Playing with Go

For a long time, I’ve been unhappy with the state of Ruby for plain standalone applications. The problem is mostly the installation of a proper Ruby environment for users of the application: For the RDCL for example Ruby 1.9 is needed, but Mac OS X ships only with version 1.8.

The main need I have for the RDCL is a simple multitasking model which allows me to implement reading and writing over a serial line to the Newton while handling other tasks. It appears that Go is able to deliver exactly that via goroutines, and I started to experiment a little with that language. It would allow delivery of ready to run binaries instead of messing with installation of an interpreter first.

Go requires a bit of a mental shift though as it is not an object oriented language in the classic sense. Usually this would not be such a big problem, but almost all of the Newton’s concept are designed and implemented in an OOP way. Let’s see how it goes, in the end this is at least a nice learning experience :)


Yes, I'm still using my Newton!

In case anybody is wondering, I am indeed still using my Newton :) Even though some work related changes made using it for GTD or other ways of tracking tasks less important, I found that the Newton is still the most suitable device for taking notes, journaling and keeping a master database of my contacts. The ability to have important thoughts and ideas written down in one place, and be able to search and tag is very neat. Cloud based implementations are not bad either, but with the Newton, I don’t have to worry about connectivity :)


Memory Low

The Cortex M3 based boards I’ve been playing around with are quite astounding, the MCUs they use as Systems-on-a-Chip have a very nice range of peripherals which really only leaves your imagination as a limit to what can be done. Being able to interface with off-the-shelf MMC cards for example, or talking to a simple LCD module is pretty neat.

The only major drawback is that those chips usually have very little RAM, even compared to the Newton ;) - eight to 64 kBytes are not exactly a lot. When using CoreForth as my experimental platform, it is therefore interesting to play around a bit with different memory management approaches. Forth itself usually likes to live in RAM since it is more powerful when self-modifying code can be used, but there are ways around this limitation.

When it comes to multitasking though (which is relatively trivial using a Cortex M3 since it pushes most registers onto the stack when an interrupt occurs), a traditional preemptive threading model is quite wasteful what comes to RAM as each thread needs a separate stack. But the revival of event based programming through Node.js led me to check local continuations , in other words, functions with multiple entry points. In this area, protothreads look particularly promising for an implementation in Forth!


Again, something completely different

The low level work on Blunt, reverse engineering the NewtonOS and digging into ARM assembly led me to a small side project in an area which has tickled my brain since a long time: Forth. It all started with a hard to grasp book by Ekkehard Floegel which I used to browse through in the local computer shop but never bought until quite recently, and a short article on the Jupiter Ace. This led to one a very simple Forth-like system on the ZX Spectrum as one of my early programming adventures, with gimmicks such as 51x32 characters and text windows. Later on, I was in need of a programming language for a automotive test system (chances are that if you were ever driving a Ford or Renault made in Cologne during the late 1990s, the door mechanism was tested by it), and reused some ideas from Forth.

My most recent adventure into Forth-land is however the one closest to the original ideas and principles. The result is CoreForth , which is a Forth-implementation running on the ARM Cortex M3. Supported platforms are qemu and the LM3S811 board, and support for STM32 based boards such as the Olimex STM32P103 is coming along nicely. It is right now really not much more than a platform to easily experiment with such boards, but having the interactivity of Forth makes investigating and using the numerous on-chip peripherals of the Cortex chips very simple!

I also added a couple of links to other projects I have started on GitHub .
