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Habits and Goals

Habits and Goals

It seems that I’m joining the ranks of the many who want to combine GTD and the 7 Habits approach by Stephen Covey. When I first approached GTD, one of my concerns was which next action to pick, see for example my use of priorities in Flashpoint. This was however not the most critical point at that point, it was rather how to slice projects into small, actionable items to actually get something done. nn nnNow that I’m getting better at creating next actions and projects (Nitch is working really well!), making the right choice among the actions comes back as an issue. For a while, I have been using ToDo items in DateMan as “themes of the day,” but this overlaps with my use of ToDo items for the hard landscape for that day. nn nnWhich brings me to the 7 habits. After re-reading Covey’s book, the approach to first define your roles, and then your weekly goals with daily adjustments makes an awful lot of sense. I’m still thinking whether goals can be expressed straight in terms of a set of GTD projects, but overall, integrating this approach into Nitch should be easily doable.
