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I just moved to MediaWiki to maintain 40hz.org, it makes updates much simpler - hopefully that will encourage me to update information more frequently :) There is still one issue regarding uploading packages, source code and other data (the Wiki is not really made for that), one option is to use SourceForge exclusively as the data repository. That would have the advantage of having only one location for multiple releases, but the disadvantage is that it is a bit more complicated to download things. Also, direct download of packages would not work. nn nnI will gradually move most of the pages on 40hz.org to the Wiki, but for now, pages besides the main page are still “regular” pages. I also disabled editing by non-registered users, and since I’m the only registered user, that make things simple :) But it might make sense to allow others to edit pages in the Wiki, let me know if you have specific ideas. There is of course always the WikiWikiNewt on UNNA.
