Buffer Sizes and intriguing thoughts

I’m almost ready to release a proof-of-concept version of Blunt. It still crashes occasionally and sometimes, a connection can’t be established from Mac OS X. But otherwise, I’ve been able to successfully send files from my 3650 and desktop to the Newton. The bug du jour was a buffer overflow, causing some bytes to be lost here and there, but that’s fixed now. The buffer sizes in the various places in the stack definitely need some adjusting!

An interesting related topic are of course Bluetooth cards. The PICO card which I’m using is neither very battery-friendly nor small, so a nice, small, low-power alternative would be great. And it doesn’t have to be a PCMCIA or CF card: It should be possible to put together a small PCB with a Bluetooth module and fit it inside the Newton, similar to the SER-001. Bluetooth modules are tiny, all-in-one solutions which can be interfaced with using serial lines and which don’t need very much extra circuitry…
