The Neo/Nitro split

Since syncing turned out to be less satisfactory than I thought, I started to add the missing TCP/IP transport to Nitro. Taking the OBEX layer out of Nitro was a logical consequence, with Neo as the result. The TinyTP/IrCOMM part of Nitro has been stable for quite a while now, warranting a 1.0 version number. Taking OBEX out of Nitro also make bug tracking easier.

Neo contains the previously released IrOBEX transport and a new TCPOBEX transport. The TCP transport is far from perfect (no status dialogs, no receiving), but it allows you to send vCard, iCalendar and other data to a desktop computer. Too bad that the available OBEX solutions for desktop computers are a bit unfinished… But OpenOBEX is good enough for that task.

Later, Neo might also contain an RFOBEX transport, if and when there is Bluetooth support on the Newton. We’ll see…
